Best Guinea Pig Housing or Cage Options (2023)

The right housing options are of paramount significance to your cavies' well-being.
Guinea Pig Housing, clean living environment for Guinea Pigs

When it comes to adorning your home with a pet, guinea pigs rise as one of the popular choices. These amicable, chirpy creatures, also known as cavies, possess a charm that leaves their pet parents mesmerized. Nevertheless, as serene as they might seem, their requirements for a comfortable, healthy life remain fairly intricate.

Product Picks

Best Overall:  Carefresh Small Animal Bedding

Best Bargain: Kaytee Clean & Cozy White Bedding

Best Aspen Bedding:  Small Pet Select Premium Natural Aspen Bedding

Best Fleece Bedding:  GuineaDad Line

Best Cage:  Mid West Homes

DIY Guinea Pig Cages: ‘C&C’ (Cubes & Coroplast)

The right guinea pig housing options are of paramount significance to your cavies’ well-being. In this guide to housing your guinea pig, we strive to shed light on the different elements that align to shape the perfect habitat for these beloved pets.

Delving into Space: Size Matters!

Cavies may be small, but their hearts – and all the vivacious energy they encase – are huge. They thrive in open spaces that offer them enough room for exploration and movement.

Contrary to common conceptions, small, cramped cages are a big no-no. Your pet needs a space where they can move around freely, the broader, the better. For a solitary guinea, consider a minimum size of 120 x 60 cubic cm. If it’s a pair, the cage should be a minimum of 150 x 75 cubic cm. Remember, these are bare minimums; going beyond these dimensions can make a world of difference to your pet’s happiness and health.

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The Right Cage

Having established the importance of space, let’s now unravel the different types of cages fit for these tiny balls of energy:

  • Indoor Guinea Pig Cages: A common favorite among pet parents, these cages are designed to be spacious, easy to clean, and uphold all things conveniently. They typically consist of a robust, wire-framed top and a durable, plastic bottom.
  • Outdoor Guinea Pig Hutches: For cavies who are more seasoned with the outdoors, hutches serve as their comfortable abode. Providing a semblance of natural habitat, these are perfect for regions with fair weather. Equipped with secure, waterproof characteristics, hutches are typically kept elevated to keep them safe from predators.
  • Homemade DIY Guinea Pig Cages: For the more creative and exacting pet parents, DIY is a wonderful route. With complete control over configuration and size, these homes can be made with materials like ‘C&C’ (Cubes & Coroplast) grids. Designing your pet’s cage involves an in-depth understanding of their safety and spacing needs.

Comfy Bedding: A Must-Have

The floor space of your guinea pig’s habitation must be made as comfortable as possible. It’s not just about aesthetics, but bedding also aids in controlling odors and ensuring easy cleaning.

  • Paper-based Bedding: This option is quite absorbent, and in a case where your pet ends up ingesting some, it’s safe. Brands like Kaytee Clean & Cozy Bedding and Carefresh offer excellent paper-based bedding.
  • Fleece Bedding: A big hit in the cavy community, fleece bedding stands out due to its reusability, cleanliness, and comfort. Though it requires regular washing, its pros heavily outweigh this minor setback.
  • Steer Clear Of Wood Shavings: Resist the urge to use pine or cedar shavings for bedding as they pose potential risks to your guinea pig’s respiratory health.
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Crafting the Ideal Guinea Pig Habitat: Finishing Touches

A guinea pig’s cage should be much more than just a space filled with food, water, and bedding. Additional touches can make their habitat a place they love, while also stimulating them:

  • Peace & Quiet: Choose a quiet area within your home for the cage. Guinea pigs aren’t big fans of loud noises.
  • Consistent temperature: Avoid places with a draft or fluctuating temperatures. Guinea pigs thrive in stable climates.
  • Stimulating Activities: Incorporate tunnels, hideaways, and chew toys for your cavy to enjoy. Keeping them entertained can also help prevent health problems caused by inactivity.

Your journey as a guinea pig parent should be one filled with joyful, exciting experiences. By setting up the right habitat for your pet, their life will be just as joyful and enriched. As you create a space filled with love, comfort, and excitement, you’ll find that your guinea pig’s happiness knows no bounds.

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