The Best Housing Options For A Sugar Glider

If a sugar glider built a house, where would it start?
Housing Options Sugar Glider

Sugar gliders require the right housing to thrive – an enclosure that mimics their natural habit while providing enough room, climbing opportunities and security. Here are the best options for sugar gliders, from large cages to custom enclosures.


1. The Exo Terra Large X-Tall Terrarium

Price: $230

2. Midwest Critter Nation Double Unit with Stand

Price: $319

3. Prevue Hendryx Black Feisty Cage

Price: $154

Large Cages

The minimum size for a sugar glider cage is 3ft x 3ft, with multiple levels. Wire cages provide important ventilation while allowing you to add platforms, branches, toys and other climbing structures. Look for cages with multiple hiding spots made from non-toxic wood and fabric tunnels to help your sugar gliders feel secure.

Custom Enclosures

Custom-built enclosures offer the most space and customization for sugar gliders. Wood, PVC pipes and wire mesh can be arranged into multi-level habitats featuring multiple entrance/exit points. Get creative by adding platforms, swings, ropes and hides at different heights. Custom enclosures properly mimic the complex environments sugar gliders evolved in.


Large playpens are affordable options for sugar glider daytime use or nighttime containment. They can contain your sugar gliders during free roam time while being easy to expand, reconfigure and move. Be sure to “sugar glider proof” these pens by covering any gaps or holes.

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Our Recommendations

We recommend the following cages for your sugar glider’s comfort:

1. The Exo Terra Large X-Tall Terrarium

The Best Housing Options For A Sugar Glider [Reviewed]
  • Size: 36″L x 18″W x 36″H
  • Pros: Tons of vertical space, escape-proof design, front-opening doors for easy access
  • Cons: Pricey, ventilation can be tricky
  • Personal Experience: Gizmo loves how tall his Exo Terra home is. We’ve decked it out with branches, hammocks, and toys. Just make sure to add a fan for ventilation if you’re in a humid area.

2. Midwest Critter Nation Double Unit with Stand

The Best Housing Options For A Sugar Glider [Reviewed]

Size: 36″L x 24″W x 63″H (including stand)

Pros: Ample space, adjustable shelves, full-width doors, wheel casters for easy movement

Cons: Heavy, bar spacing may need to be adjusted

Personal Experience: A great and affordable option if you have multiple gliders. Would recommend.

3. Prevue Hendryx Black Feisty Cage

The Best Housing Options For A Sugar Glider [Reviewed]
  • Size: 31″L x 20″W x 54″H (including stand)
  • Pros: Durable construction, multiple levels, large access doors, wheels for easy mobility
  • Cons: Bar spacing may require modification for small gliders, assembling can be a challenge
  • Experience: While intended for ferrets, the Prevue cage is a popular choice among sugar glider owners.

Important Tips for Setting Up Your Sugar Glider’s Home

  • Space: Sugar gliders love to jump and glide, so they need ample vertical space in their cage.
  • Ventilation: A well-ventilated cage is crucial to keep your glider healthy. Mesh or wire cages are great for airflow, but glass terrariums may require fans or vents.
  • Safety: Make sure there are no small gaps that your glider can escape through. Gliders are escape artists!
  • Entertainment: Fill the cage with branches, hammocks, nests, and toys to keep your glider entertained and happy.
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So there you have it! These cages have been tried and tested by sugar glider owners like you and me. Just remember to keep your glider’s needs and preferences in mind when choosing their new home. Good luck! 🐾

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