Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon: Unique Facts, Info, & Full Care Sheet

Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons are some of the best morphs out there. Here's what you need to know.

Hypo Translucent Bearded Dragons—nicknamed ‘Hypo Trans’—are among the most fascinating members of the bearded dragon family.

Carrying distinctive genetic traits that set them apart, these dragons offer a kind of fascinating beauty and behavioral interest that reptile enthusiasts find captivating.

In this article, we’ll explore the unique characteristics, housing needs, and health issues specific to Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons.

Characteristics & Traits of Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons

Characteristics & Traits of Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons

The Hypo Translucent Bearded Dragon, or ‘Hypo Trans’, is a unique variant of the Bearded Dragon species, thanks to deliberate selective breeding processes. This pet is the product of two distinctive genetic mutations: hypomelanism and translucency, hence the term ‘Hypo Trans‘.


Hypomelanism (denoted by the ‘Hypo’ in Hypo Trans) results from a mutation that reduces the production of melanin—the pigment responsible for dark colors in hair, skin, and eyes.

This mutation was selectively bred into bearded dragons due to its visual appeal, creating a lighter or pastelic coloration. Born bold and brightly colored, these dragons grow paler with age, which differentiates them from their regular counterparts.


Translucency (reflected in the ‘Trans’ of Hypo Trans) is an additional mutation that these dragons inherit. This genetic trait makes their skin semi-transparent, particularly visible in younger dragons. When combined with the hypomelanism mutation, the hypo trans bearded dragon exhibits an enchanting scale color that varies from dragon to dragon.

The Intersection of Traits

Both of these traits are the result of recessive genes. For a dragon to exhibit Hypo and Trans characteristics, these traits must be passed down from the parents to the offspring. These traits can vary in intensity depending on the dragon’s genetics.

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Housing Needs of Hypo Trans Dragons

Housing Needs of Hypo Trans Dragons

Creating an appropriate, comfortable habitat for your Hypo Trans Dragon is crucial in ensuring their health and happiness. This involves a suitable enclosure, a carefully regulated temperature gradient, UVB lighting, enriching decor, appropriate substrate, conscientious feeding areas, and regular cleaning.

Enclosure Size

A 40-gallon tank is usually the minimum recommended size for housing a juvenile to adult Hypo Trans Dragon, while larger is even better.

Temperature Gradient

Ensure an appropriate temperature gradient in the enclosure, with a basking area heated to around 95-105°F and a cooler area about 75-85°F.

UVB Lighting

A UVB bulb is needed to replicate natural sunlight, crucial for their production of Vitamin D3—an essential aid for calcium absorption.

Decor and Enrichment

Include items like branches, rocks, caves, and hammocks in the enclosure for your dragon’s physical exercise and mental stimulation.


Use safe substrate options like reptile carpet, newspaper, or non-adhesive shelf liners to avoid risks of impaction from accidental ingestion of loose substrates.


Keep the habitat clean, spot cleaning daily, and doing a full cleaning every four to six weeks to prevent harmful bacterial and parasitic build-ups.

Health Concerns of Hypo Trans-Bearded Dragons

Health Concerns of Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons

While Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons are generally sturdy creatures, they can face health issues like Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD), gastrointestinal problems, respiratory infections, and impaction.

Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)

MBD is caused due to insufficient calcium intake or UVB exposure, leading to the weakening of the dragon’s skeleton.

Gastrointestinal Problems

These health issues can stem from internal parasites, improper diet, or unsanitary living conditions.

Respiratory Infections

Usually caused by unsuitable humidity levels, cold temperatures, or unsanitary conditions, these infections can seriously affect your dragon’s health.


Often a result of ingesting indigestible matter, impactions can become severe and life-threatening.

Bearded Dragons

The Diet of Hypo Translucent Bearded Dragons

The dietary needs of Hypo Translucent Bearded Dragons are largely consistent with those of their other Bearded Dragon counterparts. These reptiles are omnivores, meaning they thrive on a diet consisting of both plant-based foods and insects.

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Providing a Varied Diet

Your Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon needs a mixed diet of insects and vegetables. This ensures they receive all necessary nutrients and helps mimic the variety they would encounter in their natural habitat.

Insect Prey

In the wild, Bearded Dragons feed on an array of insects, including staple options like crickets, dubia roaches, and mealworms. These can be bred or purchased to supplement your pet’s diet. Remember to feed insects that are no larger than the space between your dragon’s eyes to prevent choking or digestion issues.

Plant-Based Foods

Your Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon’s diet should expand to include more plant matter as they age. Leafy greens such as collard, mustard, or turnip greens, and vegetables like bell peppers, squash, and zucchini make excellent dietary staples. Fruits can be offered occasionally as a treat, but they should make up a much smaller portion of the diet due to their high sugar content.

Importance of Supplements

Supplementing your Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon’s diet with additional vitamins and minerals is important for their health. A calcium with Vitamin D3 supplement can help prevent issues like Metabolic Bone Disease, and a multivitamin can help ensure your dragon is not deficient in any key nutrients.

Handling Your Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon

Handling Your Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon

Handling your hypo trans bearded dragon is paramount not only to building trust and enriching social interaction but also allows you to assess their health and general well-being.

However, ensuring these dragons are comfortable during the necessary handling requires a meticulous, gentle approach to familiarizing these usually shy creatures with the practice over time.

Steps for Successful Handling

Follow these steps for a safe interaction with your bearded dragon:

Ease Your Dragon into the Process

Begin by allowing your dragon to become accustomed to your presence. Spend a considerable amount of time close to their enclosure, letting them adjudge you as a non-threatening entity.

Initiate Soft Contact

Once they seem comfortable with your proximity, initiate contact by placing your hand slowly into their enclosure, letting it rest near the dragon, not touching it. The goal is to let them get used to your scent and presence.

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Progress to Gentle Touch

Gradually progress to gently stroking the dragon’s body, always moving your hand slowly and predictably. Avoid touching their head or the area directly under the belly as they might find it threatening or uncomfortable.

Proceed to Lift

Once your dragon seems comfortable with your touch, you can begin to lift them. Slide your hand under their abdomen and support their body fully, making sure their limbs are not left dangling. Lift them just a little above their perch and gradually increase the height over a period of time.

Best Practice Handling Tips

While handling a Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon—or any dragon—it’s important to remember a few best practices:

Do Not Grasp Tightly

Bearded dragons have a fragile bone structure and grasping them too tightly can cause injury. Instead, allow them to sit on your palm while your fingers offer support from below.

Handle in Short Spans

Limit handling to short spans, especially when they are acclimating to the process. Handling for extended periods can cause them stress.

Avoid Sudden Movements

Fast, sudden movements can frighten your dragon. Always move slowly and predictably, even when placing your dragon back into their enclosure.

Handling your Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon involves careful steps to ensure their comfort and safety, the resulting trust and bond make the process immensely rewarding.

Cost of Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons

Owning a Hypo Translucent Bearded Dragon can be a rewarding experience, given their unique appearance and engaging personalities.

However, before you set your heart on adopting one, it’s important to understand the financial commitment that comes along with it. This includes not only the cost of the dragon itself but also the necessary setup and ongoing care costs.

Initial Purchase

The price of a Hypo Translucent Bearded Dragon can vary significantly based on factors such as age, coloration, reputable breeders, and rarity. Juvenile or baby dragons generally cost less than grown ones. The price for a Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon ranges from approximately $150 to $500. Be cautious of prices that seem too good to be true—they often are.

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Setting Up the Perfect Home

Before bringing your new pet home, you’ll need to set up a proper enclosure. The setup costs include the price of the terrarium (which can range from $100-$300) with the ideal size being 40-120 gallons, depending on the dragon’s size.

The enclosure needs to be outfitted with a basking spot (including UVB lighting), a substrate (floor material), temperature control sources, decorations, and shelter spots. Accumulatively, these can add another $150-$3004 to your initial investment.

Ongoing Expenses

Owning a Bearded Dragon extends beyond just the initial purchase and setup; there are several ongoing expenses to consider. These include:

  • Food: Bearded dragons eat a mixed diet of vegetables and insects, which can cost around $10 to $20 per week.
  • Power: Heating and lighting equipment in the terrarium run daily and can slightly increase your electricity bill.
  • Vet Care: Regular checkups and potential treatment for health issues should be factored in, which can vary widely depending on location and specific needs.
  • Supplements: Nutrient supplementation such as calcium is a necessity for Bearded Dragons, costing around $10-$15 for a bottle that typically lasts a few months.

To recap, while the actual price of a Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon might not be extremely high, the overall expenses including habitat setup and ongoing care make it a significant investment. However, the invaluable companionship these creatures offer makes the 100% investment worthwhile.

Ten Key Insights About Hypo Trans-Bearded Dragons

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned reptile enthusiast, owning a Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon presents a unique experience, given their striking looks and engaging individuality. Here are detailed and comprehensive answers to ten FAQs about these intriguing creatures.

1. What exactly is a Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon?

A Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon combines two features: Hypomelanism and translucency (often referred to as ‘trans’). Hypomelanism (‘Hypo’) leads to lighter coloration owing to less melanin present, while the ‘trans’ trait presents semi-translucent skin, particularly noticeable when they are hatchlings.

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2. How large do they become?


Typically, Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons can reach a length of 18-24 inches from head to tail when fully grown. The exact size can vary depending on factors like genetics and care.

3. What should a Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon’s diet consist of?

Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons, like other bearded dragons, are omnivores. That means their diet includes both plant-based foods and insects. Babies and juveniles require a higher protein intake (80% insects, 20% vegetables), while adults need a high amount of vegetables (80% vegetables, 20% insects).

4. Is their shedding process different from regular Beardies?

Nay, the shedding process for Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons is similar to that of regular Beardies. Young ones shed more frequently due to rapid growth, while adults normally shed several times throughout the year.

5. How long can these dragons live?

Given ideal conditions, Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons have a lifespan of 8-12 years, and some can even reach up to 14 years under the right care and diet.

6. What are some critical signs of a healthy Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon?

A healthy Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon will have bright, alert eyes, a sturdy body, and a good balance while moving. Their skin should not dispose of any rot, sores, or parasites. Regular eating, basking, and defecating are also signs of a healthy Beardie.

7. Are Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons suitable pets for beginners?

Indeed, they are! Their relatively calm disposition and adaptable nature make them suitable for newbie reptile owners. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t need consistent care and nurturing.

8. How frequently should they eat?

Babies and young dragons require daily feeding due to their rapid growth phase. Adult dragons, however, can healthily sustain on meals every other day.

9. Are Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons prone to any specific health issues?

They can face similar health conditions as any Bearded Dragon, such as Metabolic Bone Disease, respiratory disorders, and parasitic infections. A well-maintained diet, habitat conditions, and regular veterinary checks can help prevent many of these ailments.

10. Where can one get a Hypo Trans Bearded Dragon?

You can typically find Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons at reputable pet stores, reptile expos, and through recognized breeders online. Always ensure you are purchasing your dragon from a well-known, reputable source and that the dragon itself is healthy.


Now you’re equipped with these insights into Hypo Trans Bearded Dragons, we hope you can provide the best care to these fascinating creatures.

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