How Do You Pronounce Capybara?

ka-pee-buh-ruh, /kəˈpiːbərə/
Pronounce Capybara

Capybaras, the largest living rodents in the world, has captured the hearts of many due to their gentle nature and unique appearance. As these fascinating creatures continue to gain popularity, it’s essential to learn how to pronounce their name correctly.

We have written a lot about Capybara and today it is on how to pronounce Capybara. Before that, let us look into the origins of the word “capybara,” explore its pronunciation, and provide helpful tips to ensure that you can confidently say this word with ease.

Origins of the Word Capybara

The word “capybara” has its roots in the Tupi language, which was spoken by the indigenous Tupi people of Brazil. The original word “ka’apiûara” translates to “grass eater,” which is an apt description of the capybara’s herbivorous diet. The scientific name for the capybara is Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, which refers to its semi-aquatic lifestyle and affinity for water.

How to Pronounce Capybara

To master the pronunciation of “capybara,” it’s helpful to break the word down into its individual syllables. The word consists of four syllables: ca-py-ba-ra.

  1. The first syllable, “ca,” is pronounced as “ka” with a short ‘a’ sound, like in the word “cat.”
  2. The second syllable, “py,” is pronounced as “pee” with a long ‘e’ sound, like in the word “keep.”
  3. The third syllable, “ba,” is pronounced as “buh” with a short ‘u’ sound, like in the word “but.”
  4. The fourth syllable, “ra,” is pronounced as “ruh” with a short ‘u’ sound, like in the word “run.”
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When you put it all together, it should sound like “ka-pee-buh-ruh.” Here’s a phonetic representation of the pronunciation: /kəˈpiːbərə/

Tips for Perfecting Your Pronunciation

To ensure that you’re pronouncing “capybara” correctly, consider the following tips:

  1. Practice makes perfect: Repeat the word several times, focusing on each syllable individually before combining them. This will help you become more comfortable with the pronunciation.
  2. Listen to native speakers: Search for videos or audio clips of native English speakers saying “capybara.” Listening to the correct pronunciation can help reinforce the proper way to say the word.
  3. Use mnemonic devices: Create a memorable phrase or rhyme using the word “capybara” to help solidify the pronunciation in your mind. For example, “A happy capybara naps by the water.”
  4. Record yourself: Use your phone or another recording device to record yourself saying “capybara.” Listening to your own pronunciation can help you identify areas for improvement.
  5. Ask for feedback: Don’t be afraid to ask friends, family, or language learning partners for feedback on your pronunciation. They can provide valuable insights and help you make adjustments as needed.


As capybaras continue to captivate people worldwide, it’s crucial to learn how to pronounce their name accurately. By understanding the word’s origins, breaking it down into syllables, and following the tips provided in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the pronunciation of “capybara.” Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep saying “ka-pee-buh-ruh” until you feel confident in your pronunciation.

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