Planning To Adopt A Hamster? Here’s All You Need To Know

Adopting and keeping a hamster takes work, but the end result is worth it. Here's everything you need to know.

Hamsters make great pets for people of all ages. They are cute, friendly, and easy to care for. If you’re considering welcoming a hamster into your home, there are a few key things you need to know beforehand to ensure you and your new furry friend will be happy and healthy together.

In this blog post, we’ll cover everything from choosing the right hamster breed and setup to proper diet and handling techniques.

Hamster Species About This Specie

Family: Cricetidae

Class: Rodents

Length: 2 to 14 inches (Adult)

Lifespan: Average of 3 years

Weight: 1 to 3 grams (Adult)

The Allure of Hamsters As Pets

Hamsters have grown in popularity as pets over the years, and for good reason—they’re small, relatively low-maintenance, and can be downright adorable. Perfect for those with limited space or time, hamsters offer companionship without the demands of larger pets like dogs or cats.

Here are some of the many reasons why hamsters make such delightful pets:

  1. Space-saving: With their modest living quarters, hamsters can comfortably fit into most living spaces, be it a cozy apartment or a spacious family home. You’ll hardly notice them taking up any precious real estate in your home.
  2. Low-maintenance: Unlike the walking, bathing, and frequent feeding demands of some pets, hamsters are generally quite content with a clean and cozy habitat, some tasty nibbles, and a wheel to run on.
  3. Budget-friendly: Hamsters won’t put a significant dent in your wallet compared to other pets. While there will be some initial costs (habitat, bedding, and food), they’re unlikely to contribute to your high credit card bills.
  4. Affectionate: Hamsters can bond with their humans quite well, often enjoying gentle pats, hand-fed treats, or even cuddles in their owner’s hands. And sure, they don’t wag their tails or purr, but for a creature that can fit in the palm of your hand? A win in my books.
  5. Entertaining: You’ll quickly discover that hamsters can be quite goofy and amusing. Between their escapades on the exercise wheel and their knack for stuffing an impossible amount of food into their cheeks, hamsters are never short of entertainment.

Different hamster breeds and their characteristics

Planning To Adopt A Hamster? Here's All You Need To Know

There are several types of hamsters out there, but the most common species kept as pets are:

  1. Syrian Hamster (a.k.a. the Golden Hamster): Syrian Hamsters, also known as Golden hamsters, are among the most popular small pets. They are easy to tame and fairly low-maintenance, making them suitable for beginners. Playful and occasionally cranky, these hamsters are known for their distinct personalities. In the wild, Syrian hamsters are solitary creatures, living most of their lives alone in underground burrows or tunnels. They are generally easy-going, curious, and highly territorial. As such, they must be housed alone.
  2. Dwarf Hamsters: These pint-sized cuties come in several sub-species, including the Roborovski, Campbell’s, and Siberian Winter White. They’re smaller than Syrians and can sometimes be housed together—although you have to closely monitor their interactions to prevent fights.
  3. Chinese Hamsters: Chinese Hamsters, also known as Striped hamsters or Chinese dwarf hamsters, are one of the more unique hamster breeds. These slim-bodied hamsters resemble a rat or mouse more than their round-bodied hamster cousins. Chinese Hamsters make wonderful pets as they are gentle, seldom bite, and are less nocturnal than other hamster breeds, often being active during the day. Their life span is approximately 2-3 years.
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What To Consider When Choosing The Right Hamster

When selecting your furry companion, consider factors such as temperament, size, and available space. Also, try to pick a healthy hamster—look for signs of activity, bright eyes, and a clean, fluffy coat.

Pre-Adoption Considerations

1. Assessing personal readiness

Before rushing to get a hamster, be honest with yourself about your ability to take on the responsibility. Hamsters may be small, but they still require consistent care, including feeding, cleaning, and bonding time.

2. Consider the cost of owning a hamster

While the initial costs of buying a hamster and setting up their habitat may seem affordable, be prepared for ongoing expenses such as food, bedding, and vet care.

3. Time commitment and daily care requirements

Hamsters require daily care and attention, including feeding, spot-cleaning their cage, and overseeing exercise time. Regular cage cleanings and periodic vet visits are also a must. Are you up for this?

4. Allergies and health concerns

If you or someone in your household is allergic to fur, a hamster may not be the best choice.

Setting Up the Perfect Home for Your Hamster

Credits: @VictoriaRaechel / YT

Creating a haven for your hamster is not just about purchasing a cage and filling it with some bedding. It’s about considering their natural instincts and environment, and providing a habitat that will allow them to thrive and enhance their well-being.

1. Selecting the Right Cage

Every dream home starts with a solid blueprint. For our hamsters, it starts with selecting the perfect cage. These can range from wire cages, aquariums to modular habitats. Consider factors such as ample ventilation and adequate mobility when choosing the right cage for your pet.

  • Cage accessories are fundamental. Include essentials like a water bottle for on-demand hydration and food dishes.
  • Hamsters have a knack for disappearing, so ensure there are hideaways for them to enjoy a little privacy!

2. Creating the Optimal Environment

Just like us, hamsters need a comfortable living environment, which goes beyond just cage selection.

  • Start with bedding materials, as these contribute to your hamster’s health and comfort.
  • Monitor ambient temperature and humidity levels to ensure the cage environment is just right.
  • Finally, lighting plays a crucial role in your pet’s life. A balance of natural and artificial light, adhering to a traditional day-night cycle, is ideal.

3. Maintaining a Clean and Healthy Habitat

Cleanliness is next to hamster healthiness!

  • Regular cage cleaning is vital to prevent odors and maintain a hygienic hamster home.
  • Keep a regimen for cage maintenance to ensure the environment is always clean and fresh.
  • Proper ventilation goes a long way in preventing common health issues.

Diet and Nutrition

Hamster Diet and Nutrition

One of the critical aspects of caring for a pet hamster is understanding and implementing a suitable diet. That involves providing a balanced mix of commercial hamster food, fresh fruits and vegetables, and controlled portions of high-protein and high-fibre foods

1. Commercial Hamster Pellets

Commercially produced hamster pellets should form the bulk of your hamster’s diet. These are specially formulated to provide a comprehensive mix of nutrients, and they should ideally include 12-24% protein and 3-6% fat. However, if your hamster is pregnant or is still a baby, their nutritional needs increase significantly—up to 18-40% protein and 7-9% fat.

2. Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs

In addition to commercial pellets, your hamster’s diet should include small amounts of fresh fruits (like apples), vegetables, and herbs. These items are excellent sources of vital vitamins, and their crunchy texture helps keep your hamster’s teeth in check. However, remember to give them in moderation to avoid potential gastrointestinal issues and weight gain.

3. High-Protein and High-Fibre Foods

In the wild, hamsters consume a variety of insects for protein. While your pet hamster may not necessarily need insects in their menu, they will benefit from other protein sources such as peas, lentils, or even occasional mealworms. A hamster may also benefit from Timothy hay, a special variety of hay that is fiber-rich and aids in digestion.

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4. Hydration

Along with solid foods, remember the importance of hydration. Clean, fresh water should always be accessible to your hamster.

5. Safe and Unsafe Foods

While crafting a balanced diet for your hamster, being aware of both safe and unsafe foods is key. For instance, every hamster owner should know that foods like chocolate, caffeine, and onions are harmful to hamsters.

If you are looking for a comprehensive guide that goes in-depth on every thing your hamster can eat, do well to check out our earlier post: Vet-Approved Foods For Your Hamster

Health and Veterinary Care

hamster at the vet

Ensuring the health and well-being of your hamster includes regular check-ups with a vet, awareness of common health issues, and suitable preventative measures.

Regular Vet Visits

  1. Start Early: Hamsters should have their initial vet appointment shortly after you bring them home. This visit will establish a health baseline, and your vet can perform necessary initial care, such as a full physical exam.
  2. Routine Check-ups: Regular vet visits are crucial for early disease detection. While vet recommendations may vary, scheduling check-ups every 6-12 months is a commonly suggested frequency.
  3. Sick Visits: If your hamster is displaying unusual behavior or showing signs of illness, don’t delay a visit to the vet. Early treatment can be critical.

Common Health Issues

  1. Respiratory Infections: Signs may include nasal discharge, sneezing, labored breathing, and a decrease in appetite and activity.
  2. Wet Tail: This term refers to a diarrheal disease, common in younger hamsters. It’s characterized by severe diarrhea and requires immediate veterinary attention.
  3. Skin Diseases / Parasites: Hamsters can fall victim to external parasites, fungal infections, or allergies leading to skin irritation and hair loss.
  4. Dental Problems: Hamsters’ teeth grow continuously. If their teeth become overgrown, it can lead to eating difficulties.
  5. Tumors: Hamsters, especially older ones, can develop benign or malignant tumors.

Preventative Measures

  1. Proper Nutrition: A balanced diet is essential for preventing nutritional disorders and other diseases.
  2. Adequate Exercise: Regular activity helps maintain ideal body weight and promotes overall health.
  3. Clean Environment: Regular cage cleaning minimizes the risk of parasite infestations and bacterial infections.
  4. Safe Accesories: Use safe, hamster-specific toys and accessories to avoid injuries.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

hamster at the wheel

Keeping a hamster engaged both physically and mentally is essential to their well-being.


  1. Physical health: Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, develops muscles, and improves overall physical fitness.
  2. Mental health: Engaging in stimulating activities reduces stress, prevents boredom, and promotes mental alertness.
  3. Socialization: Interactive playtime strengthens the bond between owner and hamster.

Exercise Options

  1. Exercise wheel: A size-appropriate, solid or mesh exercise wheel should be placed inside the hamster’s cage to provide daily physical activity.
  2. Hamster ball: Allowing your hamster to roll around in a supervised area with a secure hamster ball can provide additional exercise.
  3. Climbing opportunities: Incorporate features such as ladders, branches, or horizontal cage bars into the enclosure for climbing.

Mental Stimulation

  1. Toys: Provide an assortment of hamster-safe toys made from materials like wood, woven grass, or hard plastic. Rotate toys frequently to maintain interest.
  2. Tunnels and Hideouts: Include tubes, tunnels, and hideouts for exploration, nesting, and resting.
  3. Foraging activities: Scatter small amounts of their daily food in various spots or inside toys to encourage foraging and exploration.
  4. Environmental changes: Redesign the cage layout periodically or introduce new elements to stimulate curiosity.
  5. Handling and interaction: Spend time with your hamster outside their cage using hands or a playpen, and train them to perform simple tricks using treats as positive reinforcement.

Safety and Precautions

  1. Supervised playtime: Always supervise your hamster during playtime outside their cage, and hamster-proof the area to prevent accidents.
  2. Proper sizing: Ensure all exercise equipment, toys, and passageways are appropriate for your hamster’s size to prevent injury or entrapment.
  3. Chew-proof materials: Opt for toys made from non-toxic, hamster-safe materials to meet their natural chewing needs without risk.

Remember that every hamster is unique, so give them time to adapt to new activities. Experiment with different forms of exercise and mental stimulation to learn what your hamster enjoys most

READ ALSO:  The Forever-Charming Syrian Hamsters: Care Tips, Habitat, and Personality Traits

Handling and Grooming

hamster being held

Proper handling and grooming is essential for maintaining your hamster’s well-being. Here are some techniques and tips for effectively handling and grooming your furry friend.


Introduction and Acclimation

  1. Adjustment period: Allow your hamster 48 hours to adjust to their new environment before attempting to handle them.
  2. Observation: Observe your hamster’s activity patterns and signs of comfort before initiating contact.
  3. Calm environment: Choose a quiet setting for handling, free from sudden noises or distractions.
  4. Gradual approach: Begin by allowing your hamster to sniff your hand while it’s inside the cage. Gradually progress to petting and stroking when they show comfort.

Handling Techniques

  1. Scoop Method: Use both hands to gently scoop your hamster from underneath, providing full-body support and an escape route.
  2. Cupping Method: Once your hamster is comfortable, lift them gently with your hands cupped, keeping a close eye on their movements.

Safety Tips

  1. Avoid sudden movements: Move calmly and deliberately to prevent startling your hamster.
  2. Gloves: When starting, consider using gloves to avoid accidental scratches or bites.
  3. Avoid drops: Handle your hamster close to the ground or over a soft surface.
  4. Picking up: Never pick up a hamster by the tail or scruff, as it can cause injury.


Coat Care

  1. Observation: Regularly check your hamster’s coat for signs of matted fur, bald spots, or parasites.
  2. Brushing: Long-haired hamsters may occasionally require gentle brushing using a soft bristle toothbrush or flea comb.

Nail Trimming

  1. Regular checks: Monitor your hamster’s nails for overgrowth.
  2. Trimming: Consult a veterinarian for nail trimming guidance or consider having a professional perform the task.

Dental Care

  1. Chew toys: Provide a variety of chew toys to help naturally grind down your hamster’s teeth.
  2. Diet: A well-balanced diet, including appropriate amounts of hay and fibrous foods, promotes healthy dental development.
  3. Veterinary check-ups: Regular vet visits ensure early detection of dental issues and the implementation of proper treatment.


  1. Avoid water: Hamsters are generally self-cleaning and should not be bathed in water, as it risks causing stress and removing vital protective oils from their skin.
  2. Sand baths: Provide a shallow dish with chinchilla sand for your hamster to roll and groom themselves occasionally.

By practicing proper handling techniques and consistent grooming habits, you can promote a positive bond with your hamster, while maintaining their health and appearance.

Behavior and Communication

Understanding hamster behavior and communication is critical in forming a strong bond with your pet. Both their physical behavior and audible communication play vital roles in expressing their feelings and needs.

Physical Behavior

  1. Chewing: Many hamsters engage in persistent chewing behavior as a necessity for their teeth, which never stop growing. To maintain the shape and length of their teeth, hamsters need to chew.
  2. Body Language: Hamsters mainly rely on non-verbal cues to express themselves. Confidence is typically a main factor in their communication with people.
  3. Nocturnal Activity: As nocturnal creatures, hamsters are most active at night and usually sleep during the day.


Hamsters use a variety of ways to communicate, one of them being through body language. While hamsters can’t understand human language, they can learn to recognize their owner’s tone of voice, body language, and even their name. This recognition allows them to respond to certain commands, like coming to their owner when called.

Moreover, hamsters can communicate their emotional state, whether it be happiness, contentment, or aggression through certain behavioral signals. They communicate for various reasons like saying hello, telling another to back off, or even finding a suitable mate.

Breeding and Reproduction

Breeding and Reproduction in Hamsters

Breeding hamsters is a complex endeavor that requires a deep understanding of their biology, behavior, and the responsibilities involved.

Preparing for Breeding

  1. Research: Study the genetics, behavior, and requirements of the specific hamster breed involved to ensure a successful and ethical breeding process.
  2. Hamster selection: It is essential to choose healthy, unrelated, and genetically compatible breeding pairs to increase the likelihood of producing healthy offspring. Select hamsters that have reached maturity, typically between 3-4 months old, with no known health issues.
  3. Housing: Breeding pairs should be housed separately until the ideal time for mating. Be prepared to accommodate the needs of the litter and potentially separate the male and female after mating.
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Mating Process

  1. Introduce carefully: Familiarize the female with the male’s environment (or vice versa) before physically introducing them. Observing their initial reactions can provide insight into whether they are ready for mating.
  2. Monitor interactions: When the hamsters are finally placed together, monitor their interactions closely to ensure both parties are comfortable and receptive to mating.
  3. Recognizing signs of successful mating: After successful mating, the female hamster may appear thicker around her midsection and may become more territorial.

Gestation and Birth

  1. Gestation period: The gestation period varies between hamster species. Syrian hamsters have a gestation period of 16-18 days, Campbell’s and Winter White dwarf hamsters around 18-21 days, and Roborovski dwarf hamsters approximately 23-30 days.
  2. Preparing a nesting area: Provide a safe and comfortable nesting area for the pregnant female. Include extra bedding and nesting materials to encourage her to build a nest for the upcoming litter.
  3. Diet and supplements: Ensure the pregnant female has access to a nutritionally balanced diet. Provide additional protein and calcium supplements as needed to support a healthy pregnancy.
  4. Birth: Monitor the situation from a distance to prevent unnecessary stress or disturbance to the mother and newborns. Avoid handling newborn hamsters during the first seven days, as this can lead to maternal aggression or rejection.

Raising the Litter

  1. Eyes open: Pups will begin opening their eyes between 10-14 days after birth.
  2. Diet: At about two weeks of age, pups can be introduced to a diet of solid foods in addition to nursing from their mother.
  3. Weaning: Pups should be weaned from their mother around 3-4 weeks of age. Monitor the situation closely as pups become more independent.
  4. Separate by sex: At around 4-5 weeks of age, separate the pups by sex to prevent unwanted pregnancies and territorial aggression.

Ethical Responsibilities and Dangers

  1. Consider adoption: Breeding should not be taken lightly, and potential pet owners should consider adopting from a shelter or rescue organization instead.
  2. Provision of homes: Breeding requires a commitment to finding responsible, loving homes for all offspring produced.
  3. Health risks: Breeding can pose significant health risks for the mother and offspring, including complications during pregnancy or birth, genetic defects, and inbreeding issues.
  4. Overpopulation: Uncontrolled breeding contributes to pet overpopulation and increased euthanasia rates in animal shelters.

Breeding hamsters requires thorough research, preparation, and responsibility. A comprehensive understanding of hamster breeding, as well as the care and commitment involved, will help ensure the health and welfare of the animals involved.

Traveling and Boarding Considerations

Traveling or taking a vacation often raises the question of what to do with your pet hamster. Maintaining their safety and comfort during travel or boarding is paramount. Here are some insights:


  1. Suitable Carrier: Choose a secure and comfortable travel carrier that ensures sufficient ventilation. Carriers specifically designed for small animals are recommended.
  2. Supply Water and Food: Packing a hanging water bottle and secure food dish for the carrier can help keep your hamster nourished during the trip.
  3. Familiar Bedding: Place a layer of your hamster’s regular bedding in the bottom of the carrier to make them feel more at home.
  4. Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Never leave your hamster in an area exposed to extreme temperatures (hot cars, etc.) for any duration.
  5. Check Pet Policy: If you’re staying in a hotel or Airbnb, ensure that they have a pet-friendly policy.

During Travel

  1. Minimize Travel Time: Long journeys can stress hamsters. If possible, try to limit travel time.
  2. Monitor your Hamster: Regularly check on your pet’s condition and provide water and food as needed.
  3. Safety: Ensure that the carrier is secure and will not tip or slide during travel.

Boarding Your Hamster

Research Boarding Facilities

  1. Reputation: Ask other pet owners or your vet for recommendations.
  2. Visit: Tour the prospective boarding facility to assess its condition and suitability for your hamster.
  3. Policies and Procedures: Ask about the caregiver’s experience, daily routine for hamsters, and how they handle emergency situations.
  4. Cage Cleanliness: Ensure that the cages are clean and properly maintained.

Preparations for Boarding

  1. Updated Instructions: Specify your hamster’s feeding, cleaning and handling schedules.
  2. Emergency Contact: Leave your vet’s contact information and your emergency contact details.
  3. Pack Necessities: Pack favorite toys, familiar bedding, usual food and any medication your hamster needs.
  4. Health Check-Up: Before leaving your hamster at a boarding facility, ensure they are healthy. This prevents the spread of potential diseases to other boarders.
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Common Mistakes

Mistake 1: Inadequate Cage Size

Providing a cage that is too small or lacking in stimulation for a hamster can lead to stress, frustration, and obesity.

Choose a cage that meets or exceeds the recommended minimum size for your hamster’s breed. Providing a spacious environment, exercise opportunities, and enriching toys can help ensure your hamster’s well-being.

Mistake 2: Irregular Cleaning

Neglecting to clean your hamster’s cage regularly may create an unhealthy environment, resulting in odor and potential illnesses.

Clean your hamster’s cage at least once a week. Replace the soiled bedding, and sanitize the cage and accessories periodically to maintain a clean living space.

Mistake 3: Feeding an Improper Diet

An unbalanced diet can lead to malnutrition, obesity, and other health issues.

Provide a diet that meets your hamster’s nutritional needs, including quality commercial pellets, a mix of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Monitor portion sizes to prevent overfeeding, and avoid high sugar or high fat treats.

Mistake 4: Mishandling

Rough handling, excessive handling, or improper restraint can cause stress or injury to your hamster.

Approach your hamster calmly and gently. Always supervise children handling hamsters, and ensure they understand the correct methods for picking up, holding, and interacting with the pet.

Mistake 5: Ignoring Warning Signs of Illness

Overlooking symptoms of illness in your hamster can lead to delayed treatment or more severe health problems.

Be vigilant in monitoring your hamster’s health, and seek veterinary advice promptly for any signs of illness or unusual behavior.


Hamster ownership can be an enriching experience if approached with proper knowledge and care. By understanding their needs and dedicating time to bonding and care, you’ll be on the path to a happy, fulfilling relationship with your tiny new friend. Embrace this journey, and let it be filled with love and fluffy cuddles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s our list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers to help guide you through the process of adopting and caring for a hamster.

1. What type of hamster is the best for a first-time owner?
The Syrian hamster is considered the best choice for first-time owners due to their larger size and ease of handling.

2. How long do hamsters live?
The average lifespan of a hamster is 2-3 years, but this can be influenced by factors like genetics, diet, and overall care.

3. What kind of cage should I buy for my hamster?
Choose a spacious and well-ventilated cage made of wires (with horizontal bars for climbing) or a glass aquarium with a secure mesh top.

4. How often should I clean the hamster’s cage?
A thorough cage cleaning should be conducted once a week. Spot cleaning for soiled areas can be done more frequently.

5. What bedding material should I use for my hamster?
Use soft, absorbent bedding, such as paper-based bedding or aspen shavings. Avoid using cedar or pine bedding, as they can be harmful to hamsters.

6. What should I feed my hamster?
Feed a balanced diet of commercial hamster pellets, a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, and occasional high-protein and high-fiber foods.

7. Can I house multiple hamsters together?
Syrian hamsters should never be housed together, but dwarf hamsters can sometimes coexist peacefully if introduced at a young age.

8. How often should I bring my hamster to the vet?
Schedule regular check-ups every 6-12 months and make additional visits if your hamster shows signs of illness.

9. Can hamsters be litter trained?
Some hamsters can be litter trained by placing a small litter box with hamster-safe litter in a designated corner of the cage.

10. Are hamsters nocturnal?
Yes, hamsters are nocturnal creatures. They are most active during the evening and night hours.

11. How often should I handle my hamster?
Introduce handling gradually, and once your hamster is comfortable, aim for daily or every other day handling sessions.

12. Do hamsters need exercise wheels?
Yes, exercise wheels provide necessary physical activity and mental stimulation. Choose a solid or mesh wheel that’s size-appropriate to avoid injuries.

13. Can I travel with my hamster?
Traveling with a hamster is possible, but it can be stressful for them. A secure, well-ventilated travel carrier is necessary.

14. What are some common signs of illness in hamsters?
Common signs include weight loss, lethargy, runny nose, diarrhea, and loss of appetite.

15. Can hamsters catch a cold from humans?
Yes, a hamster can catch a cold from a human, so avoid handling your pet when you are sick.

16. What fruits and vegetables are safe for hamsters?
Safe options include carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, apples, and pears, with the seeds and pits removed. Always provide in moderation.

17. What foods should never be fed to a hamster?
Avoid feeding a hamster chocolate, caffeine, onion, garlic, avocado, raw potato, and citrus fruits.

18. How do I trim my hamster’s nails?
It is best to consult with a veterinarian who can demonstrate the proper technique for trimming your hamster’s nails.

19. Can I train my hamster to perform tricks?
With patience and positive reinforcement (treats), a hamster can be trained to perform simple tricks like running through tunnels, climbing, or standing on their hind legs.

20. How can I minimize stress for my hamster?
Provide a safe and quiet environment, avoid sudden loud noises or bright lights, and maintain a regular schedule for handling, feeding, and cage cleaning.

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